Sunday, August 14, 2011

Musings on Princes and Princesses

So my friends we are preparing for our first trip to Disney.  It isn't something we were really seeking out but I happened to win a silent auction stay for 2 nights at the Hitlon Bonnet Creek in Orlando for a steal of $100 last fall and it is going to expire in Oct if we don't get on with using it.  Remember last fall we lived within driving distance of Orlando and a quick trip down there for any reason for 2 nights seemed possible but all that changed this past Janurary. Secondly,  C is head over heals about princesses right now  so we have little excuse(thank you SkyMiles from China) not to take our 2011 family vacation at Magic Kingdom. 

Now Ed and I dig the beach; he actually gets antsy if he doesn't hit a beach at least once a year.  We have our own theory that Ed's draw to water is due to some distant lineage of sailing blood in Ed's Spanish ancestors combined with the Phillipine island culture.  So we were planning to hit a beach somewhere anyway once I got through the busy August season at work.  2 days at Disney and 3 days at the beach, including a day to celebrate my birthday(honestly now I don't really need any more of those); we are excited.

We have been prepping our princess: reading all the classic Disney stories we can, talking about who may or may not be at Magic Kingdom and she has been doing a bit more princess dress up than usual.  Now the downside of this comes for B.  She wants to play dress up and part of that fun includes dressing up Brother as a princess.  He has been complying with this "torture".

Now we aren't honestly concerned about this; but would prefer if he has some other sort of more masculine heros or at least dress up clothes.  He sometimes goes around the house wearing beads(provided by an older influence) and he wants his toe nails painted when I do C's.  Does anyone else with very close sister/brothers have similar issues?  Can anyone tell me don't worry about this just paint the kids toes and he'll come out fine??

Well today it hit us that we do in fact have some other dress up options for B but we will be buying him some sort of pirate get-up as soon as we can find it.  So we went back through the Halloween costumes and found C's costume from last year.   Ladies and Gentlemen introducing Prince Octopus, accompanied by Princess Fairy(Ma B she is still wearing this!).

The headgear didn't last too long but the cape of arms did....and he quickly realized he could torture his sister with at least 1 of the 8 arms....

On other news; we finally unpacked the last remaining group of boxes this weekend in the basement.  This missing Armour All tire shine, bike fork(Ed's stuff) and hot glue gun had gotten too much for some of us to Ed.  So we found some fun stuff we had been missing including our Play-Doh Cake Maker set which entertained the two little muchkins for at least an hour yesterday.  On the downside it did make a huge mess but that is why I am falling in love with my really old lineoleum flooring in our kitchen...who cares what happens to that stuff!!! Actually is it a love hate relationship, lets not lie.

The other home excitement this week is that our backyard fencing project is complete.  It is very comforting to be outside and know that no one can escape.  It doesn't look half-bad either.

All we need now is some cooler weather(which we have been getting..lovely!) to kill the mosquitoes so we can go outside without 3 layers of OFF. 

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